Name * First Name Last Name Relationship to Hot Metal Fab HOT METAL FAB'S CUSTOMERS Who buys products from Hot Metal Fab? What percentage are men? Do they buy for personal or business reasons? HOT METAL FAB'S CUSTOMERS What percentage of your products are being sold primarily as "vanity" accessories? - to make a vehicle flashy without actually needing the product or it ever coming in usefull. HOT METAL FAB'S CUSTOMERS What percentage of your sales come from online? How do you think these buyers are finding you? HOT METAL FAB'S CUSTOMERS What percentage of you sales come from in person? How do you think these buyers are finding you? HOT METAL FAB'S CUSTOMERS What percentage of your sales come from telephone? How do you think these buyers are finding you? HOT METAL FAB'S CUSTOMERS What other business' do you work with to sell your products? Do you have distributors or resellers for anything? Do you have close business allies that you work closely with to improve your sales? In short, what other businesses might be "impressed" if Hot Metal Fab were to undergo a new logo design and rebranding/look? PRODUCT LINE How much of your sales come from ordering advertised products vs custom made projects? PRODUCTS How much is your average sale worth? PRODUCTS Do you make more on advertised products or custom projects? Which is more valuable in which ways and why? IDEAL PROJECTS What products or services make your business happiest to produce? Is it one-time big money makers, hugely creative challenges, mass produced products that sell themselves or other. YOUR COMPETITION Who are your competitors (provide website or social media links if possible)? Are they local or national? What do they do well and what could they improve on? Are there common logo designs within your industry (example, every tech company uses a swoop in their logo)? Your Edge Tell me what about your product or service makes it different, unique, or better than your competitors. Spirit Animal Even tho your logo likely won't include an animal, tell me what hot metal fab's spirit animal would be and why. Colors Are there any colors that you like, dislike, or that have relevance to the design? The Smell Test Even tho we don't know what your logo will look like, describe what it will smell like. Which Applies To Your Logo Best Masculine Feminine Which Applies To Your Logo Best Black, White, Grey Colorful Pastels Which Applies To Your Logo Best Simple Intricate Which Applies To Your Logo Best Friendly Authoritative Which Applies To Your Logo Best Conservative Extravagant Which Applies To Your Logo Best Fun Serious Which Applies To Your Logo Best Necessity Luxury Which Applies To Your Logo Best Modern Classic Which Applies To Your Logo Best Professional Casual Which Applies To Your Logo Best Sporty Elegant Which Applies To Your Logo Best Safe Extreme Your Story What is the story behind your business? How did you land with the idea, what was the inspiration behind it? How does your target audience find you? CURRENT MARKETING TOOLS In addition to social media and a website, in what other ways (if any) does Hot Metal Fab advertise? Do you have business cards, letterhead, a brochure, billboards, do you go to industry showcases, do you network..... what are your current efforts? Your Future Where do you want Hot Metal Fab to be in 5, 10 and 20 years? Do you want to maintain business as usual? Do you want to become a well known industry leader in some way? Do you want to have a national customer base and be mass producing products? Or is somewhere in between or a completely different direction in the future? Anything Else? Please provide any additional information, stories, requests or input you want to provide. Thank you!